COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

We are currently seeing both emergency and elective procedures. 

Here are our current office policies/updates:

  • All patients will be required to wear a mask while in the building. 

  • Only one additional person is allowed in per patient.

  • Temperatures will be taken for all people entering the building.

  • Paperwork is required to be completed 48 hours in advance: here

Our check in process has also been revamped.

  • Please wait at the front doors for someone to screen you.

  • All patients will be asked COVID screening questions and temperatures will be taken.

  • We are limiting the number of people in our lobbies.  Please be conscious of social distancing.

We appreciate your help in making this a smooth transition. As our regulations change, we will be sure to keep you updated.


© 2024 San Fernando Valley Oral Surgery&Implant Center