Oral Pathology

What is Oral Pathology?

Oral pathology is a crucial branch of oral and maxillofacial surgery focused on diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the mouth, lower jaw, head, and neck. The mucosa, the inside skin of the mouth, should be smooth and pink. Any abnormalities in color or texture can be warning signs of underlying issues. It's vital to see your dentist or oral surgeon for an oral examination if you notice any changes. Early detection of abnormalities, such as cancer, significantly improves treatment outcomes and chances of a cure.

Monthly Self-Examinations

How to Perform a Self-Examination

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons recommends performing an oral cancer self-exam each month. Follow these steps:

  1. Remove any dentures.

  2. Look and feel inside the lips and the front of the gums.

  3. Tilt your head back to inspect and feel the roof of your mouth.

  4. Pull the cheek out to examine its inside surface and the back of the gums.

  5. Pull out your tongue and inspect all its surfaces.

  6. Feel for lumps or enlarged lymph nodes on both sides of the neck, including under the lower jaw.

What to Look For

  • White patches of the oral tissues (leukoplakia)

  • Red patches (erythroplakia)

  • Red and white patches (erythroleukoplakia)

  • A sore that fails to heal and bleeds easily

  • An abnormal lump or thickening of the mouth tissues

  • Chronic sore throat or hoarseness

  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing

  • A mass or lump in the neck

Risk Factors for Oral Cancer

  • Alcohol and Tobacco: Using both increases the risk of oral cancer 15 times compared to using one alone.

  • HPV Infection: Infection with the sexually transmitted HPV16 virus is linked to some oral cancers.

  • Age: Oral cancer is more prevalent in patients aged 40+, but it is becoming more common in those under 40.

  • Sun Exposure: Prolonged sun exposure and tanning bed use increase the risk of lip cancer.

We're Here to Help

If you have questions about oral pathology or notice any warning signs, please schedule an oral examination. Early detection is key to successful treatment.

Give us a call at 818.698.3319. Our specialists at Dentist01.com are here to assist you with all your oral surgery needs.

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